1,2,3,4a; 1,2,3,4b,5. Arglwydd ffoed cymylau mwy, Grym euogrwydd damniol glwy', Rho im' brofi'th nefol hedd, Cyn im fyn'd o'r byd i'r bedd. Llwybrau pur yw'th lwybrau di', Oll yn anwyl iawn i mi; Rhaid fy ngolchi oll yn wyn, Cyn y teithia' i'r llwybr hyn. D'accw'r ffynnon oreu gaed, Ffrydiau hyfryd dwf'r a gwaed; Darddodd allan ar y bryn, I olchi f'enaid oll yn wyn. Iesu, gorphwys yn dy glwy Wna fy enaid bellach mwy; 'Does gyffelyb iddo ef Ar y ddaear, yn y nef. [Iesu, gorphwys yn dy glwy Wna fy enaid bellach mwy; Wrth dy draed dymunwn fyw Holl ddedwyddwch f'enaid yw.] Darfu ymffrost mawr y byd, Iesu bia'r clôd i gyd, 'Does gyffelyb iddo ef, Ar y ddaear, yn y nef. - - - - - Arglwydd ffoed cymmylau mwy, Grym euogrwydd damniol glwy'; Rho i mi brofi'th nefol hedd, Afon bur tu yma i'r bedd; Fel y gallwyf ddydd a nos, Ymddigrifo dan dy groes. Dyma'r tlawd a'r llesga' erioed, Fethodd ddilyn ôl dy droed Llwybrau pur yw'th lwybrau di', Oll yn anwyl iawn i mi; Rhaid fy ngolchi oll yn wyn; Cyn y teithwy'r llwybr hyn. D'accw'r ffynnon, heddyw caed, Gloyw ddyfroedd pur a gwaed; Darddodd allan ar y bryn, I olchi f'enaid bach yn wyn; Dyma'm nerth i fyn'd ymlaen, Dyma sylfaen bur fy nghan. Dyma'r dw'r, a dyma'r gwaed, Sylfaen iachawdwriaieth rad; Dyma'r lle mae'r nefol wlad, Yn ymfoddloni yn y dyn: A thyma'm hawl i'r nefol wlad, Anfeidrol haeddiant dwyfol waed. Iesu, gorphwys yn dy glwy' Wna fy enaid bellach mwy; Dyma noddfa werthfawr lawn, Byth o fore hyd brydnawn; Dyma 'nghysur a fy hedd, A'm nerth i bara hyd y bedd. - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5,(6); 1,3,4,5,6. Arglwydd ffoed cymmylau mwy, Grym euogrwydd damniol glwy'; Rho i mi brofi'th nefol hedd, Afon bur tu yma i'r bedd; Fel y gallwyf ddydd a nos, Ymddigrifo dan dy groes. Oll a wela'i tan y ne', Sy'n feunyddiol golli eu lle, Angeu yn teyrnasu'n lân, Ar greaduriaid fawr a mân, Heno marw, heno bedd, Fory codwn ar ei wedd. Ffarwel bob peth yn y byd, Twyll a gwagedd y'ch i gyd, Y melysdra pena' gawn, Gwenwyn du sy ynddo'n llawn, Iesu 'does o nefol rin, Ond dy wleddoedd di dy hun. Nid wy'n ceisio gan fy Nuw, Heddyw hawddfyd o un rhyw, Rho i mi feddu'th Ysbryd cun, Llechu yn agos it' dy hun, Ti gai'm cynnal dan bob croes, Goleu ddydd neu dywyll nos. Ac er lleied yw fy ngrym, Dan dy aden ofna'i ddim; Mymryn bach o'th gariad drud, Sydd yn fwy nag uffern lid, Gwel'd dy wedd, a chredu'th waith, F'enaid ddod i ben ei daith. F'enaid gwel Galfaria fryn, Yno concrwyd angeu'n llyn, Yno maeddwyd gallu'r bedd, Yno prynwyd dwyfol hedd; Y greadigaeth heddyw sy Dan awdurdod Iesu cu. [Mesur: 7777]
Tonau [77.77.77]:
gwelir: |
Lord, may the clouds flee away, The force of the guilt of a condemning wound; Grant me to experience thy heavenly peace, Before I go from the world to the grave. Pure paths are thy paths, All very dear to me; I must be washed all white, Before I travel to these paths. Yonder is the best fount every had, Streams of lovely water and blood; They sprang out on the hill, To wash my soul all white. Jesus, to rest in thy wound Make my soul ever more; There is no-one similar to him On the earth, in heaven. [Jesus, to rest in thy wound Make my soul ever more; At thy feet I wish to live All the happiness of my soul it is.] The great boast of the world vanished, Jesus owns all the acclaim, There is none comparable to him, On the earth, in heaven. - - - - - Lord may the clouds flee evermore, The force of the guilt of a condemning wound; Grant me to experience thy heavenly peace, A pure rive this side of the grave; That I may, day and night, Delight myself under thy cross. Here is the poor and the most feeble ever, Who failed to follow thy footprints Pure paths are thy paths, All very dear to me; I must be washed all white; Before I travel these paths. Yonder is the fount, got today, Of pure, bright waters and blood; That issued out on the hill, To wash my little soul white; Here is my strength to go forward, Here is the pure foundation of my song. Here is the water, and here is the blood, The foundation of free salvation; Here is the place the heavenly land is, Satisfying itself in the man: And here is my claim to the heavenly land, The immeasurable merit of divine blood. Jesus, rest in thy wound Shall my soul henceforth evermore; Here is precious, full refuge, Forever from morning until evening; Here is my comfort and my peace, And my strength to continue as far as the grave. - - - - - Lord, may the clouds flee evermore The force of the guilt of a condemning wound; Grant me to experience thy heavenly peace, A pure river this side of the grace; That I may, day and night, Take delight under thy cross. All I see under heaven, Are daily losing their place, Death ruling completely, Over creatures great and small, Tonight dying, tonight a grave, Tomorrow I would rise in his image. Farewell everything in the world, Deception and vanity are ye all, The chief sweetness I may have, Black poison is in it fully, Jesus there is nothing of heavenly merit, But thy own feasts. I am not seeing from my God, Today blessedness of any kind, Grant me to possess thy dear Spirit, To hide near to thee thyself, Thou shalt get to uphold me under every cross, By light of day or darkness of night. And despite how small is my force, Under thy wing I shall fear nothing; A small amount of thy precious love, Is greater than the wrath of hell, Seeing thy countenance, and believing thy work, My soul coming to its journey's end. My soul, see Calvary hill, There death was conquered thus, There the ability of the grave was beaten, There divine peace was purchased; The creation today is Under the authority of dear Jesus. tr. 2019,21 Richard B Gillion |